LAMAR COUNTY, Miss. (WDAM) – Local governments in Mississippi are now about a month into the 90 days opt-out period for medical marijuana. Leaders must decide if they want it grown and sold in their areas.
The Lamar County Board of Supervisors wants to hear from citizens about the future of medical marijuana. There is a survey here you can take to share your thoughts.
One group shared opinions at this morning’s board meeting. Diesoul Blankenship is one of a few businessmen and investors behind Magnolia Grows, a medical marijuana cultivation facility and dispensary hoping to open in Lamar County.
“We’re all here today for the support of medical marijuana to make sure that the patients of Lamar County and the businesses of Lamar County can participate in medical marijuana,” says Blankenship, before speaking to the board during the public forum.
Blankenship was joined by former Ocean Springs Mayor, Shea Dobson. Dobson has been a part of shaping the program and continues to advocate for it.
“Whenever Initiatives 65 started up, the organizers reached out to me and explained to me what was going on. I thought it was a fantastic bill. I decided to go ahead and support it publicly. And I’ve had so many Mississippians reaching out to me, you know, just expressing thanks that we’re fighting for the ability of them to get medicine,” Dobson says.
Board members made it clear that they are not against medical marijuana. But members did admit they’re concerned this could be a back door opening to recreational marijuana.
“We are all for helping people who are hurting, but we are not for recreational marijuana in Lamar County. We are concerned this is a back door to recreational marijuana,” says Mitch Brent, District 4 Supervisor.
Blankenship says his cultivation facility will have good business practices and strong security. He asked Nate Roberston of the Metro Drug Task Force to employ the 24/7 security guards at the building to monitor the security system.
“I think we all know some friends, some loved ones or some family members who’s had to take it and it’s helped them. That’s not the issue, the issue is it getting out of control and winding up in the black market or a back door for recreational use,” says Warren Byrd, District 2 Supervisor.
In addition to helping patients, Blankenship says the businesses will bring other opportunities to the county.
“Magnolia Grows will be in Lamar County, it will employ 100 people, will have great starting unskilled wages from $15 to $20 an hour. Skilled wage started at $25 to $35. We’re going to do something great for the community,” says Blankenship.
Magnolia Grows has a building located at 6610 U.S. Highway 98 that they hope will house the facility.
According to the bill, three ounces is the max prescription per month. Medical marijuana and related products are meant for people with specific and advanced conditions who need pain relief.
“Smaller states like ours and smaller cities and counties, we need to be sure that we have as much access to medicine as possible. We need to expand access to medicine. The state has legalized more medicine, more options. I think it’s it’s going backwards for a county to restrict the ability of their citizens to have access to medicine,” says Dobson.
Blankenship and the board wrapped up an amicable conversation during the open forum saying they are willing to keep the discussion open for the next few weeks as the county approaches the opt-out deadline.
“We have 90 days to get this right. We’re trying to come to what’s best for the people of this county,” says Dale Lucas, District 5 Supervisor.
Members plan to officially decide whether or not to opt-out at the March 24 board meeting.
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