PASCAGOULA, Miss. (WLOX) – Pascagoula City Manager Michael Silverman says getting medical marijuana dispensaries in town is a win-win for both residents and the city’s revenue.
“For us, it’s something that makes sense,” Silverman said. “People have conditions and, of course, they’re going to need medical support. In addition to that, it provides a positive business revenue for our city.”
Silverman said in early March the city council discussed bringing the industry to the Flagship City, and more than 70% of Jackson County voters gave their okay.
“We gaged the feedback from Jackson County in 2020 when a medical marijuana initiative was on the ballot. There was an overwhelming amount of support for medical marijuana,” said Silverman.
Some folks who didn’t want to be on camera expressed concerns about people possibly abusing medical marijuana, as well as it being a step closer to legal recreational use.
Yennixia Perez sees it differently. She believes medical marijuana could help eliminate addictions to prescription medications, as well as possibly cut back on accidental overdoses in children.
“It could be really, really dangerous. Because your kids, no matter the age, can access them and they can take them without you even realizing they’re doing it,” said Perez.
Silverman said since medical marijuana is a new industry in Mississippi, Pascagoula leaders are figuring out the proper zoning regulations to make sure this industry meshes well with current businesses and surrounding neighbors.
The city also doesn’t want to miss out on the potential for revenue.
“For us, it provides a variety of revenue that would come from the increase of businesses that come to our community, whether that’s through dispensaries, a processing facility, or a growth facility,” said Silverman.
Perez said she’s sure the industry would be profitable in Pascagoula.
“I mean, with the high prices of gas right now, who will want to drive 40 minutes or more to get their medication?” said Perez.
Community leaders have another month-and-a-half to decide whether medical marijuana dispensaries can operate in their jurisdiction
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