In Cleveland, Mayor Justin Bibb has championed marijuana expungements since his early days in workplace.
He now has a brand new coverage victory to have fun, in response to Axios.
Football Highlights
Gov. Mike DeWine lately signed laws to empower cities and county prosecutors to expunge low-level marijuana convictions.
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In April, Bibb and the City Council president Blaine Griffin tried to expunge greater than 4,000 convictions however solely people had been permitted to provoke the method of expungement. Now authorities entities can achieve this on people’ behalf.
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Mississippi hashish dispensaries nonetheless ready for hashish merchandise reported abc.com Republican Gov. Tate Reeves legalized medical marijuana in February 2022. Although the regulation went into impact instantly, dispensaries nonetheless wouldn’t have merchandise to promote.
Local hashish entrepreneurs have been ready since then, spending money and time reworking, consulting with potential purchasers, paying wages, and stocking equipment till the precise hashish merchandise arrive. ABC reported officers count on the state-mandated testing course of “to be given the green light” by the end of January.
Hemp Snacks Banned In Singapore, Authorities Argue It Is Still Cannabis
Singapore’s Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) has reportedly banned a snack containing hemp flour. The product was removed from vending machines in the city-state, informed the growthop.com
The CNB instructed authorities to remove the product Piranha Power Pack from the streets and cautioned buyers to dispose of it immediately.
“(…) hemp is cannabis,” CNB posted on Facebook. “This means that all hemp proteins, fiber, seeds, oils, etc. that are derived from the hemp plant are derived from the cannabis Sativa plant.”
Photo by Peter Lawrence on Unsplash.
Cleveland Can Now Expunge Cannabis Convictions, Dispensaries In MS Await Products, Singapore Bans Hemp Snacks
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Cleveland Can Now Expunge Cannabis Convictions, Dispensaries In MS Await Products, Singapore Bans Hemp Snacks
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