It’s grow time; MGO ready to start manufacturing medical marijuana in Prentiss
Published 9:06 am Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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Mississippi Green Oil construction is now complete, and it is set to begin medical marijuana manufacturing. “We received all our licensing and permits a few weeks ago,” said owner Tom Moore. The business is now locked down and closed to the public.
The growing of the plants will be under the direction of Jim McAlister, who is the MGO Director of Cultivation. There are eight grow rooms in the building which include specialized lighting and dehumidifiers. Carbon dioxide will be pumped into the rooms to assist in the growth process.
There are over six thousand different medical strains of marijuana with new ones coming out every day.
McAlister has done the research to find out which ones are legitimate, which ones are the best, and which symptoms each strand treats.
“Jim feels we will have the best medical marijuana in the State of Mississippi,” said Moore.
The building is capable of producing up to 40 strands of the plant, but will start out with six. There are also packaging rooms and secure storage rooms in the building as well as offices for the staff.
From seed to sale, it takes approximately four months. The company will use the perpetual harvest technique, meaning there are always plans in both the flowering stage and in the vegetative stage. MGO has its own transportation company that will deliver to the dispensaries once the product is ready for distribution.
“We are a debt free facility,” said Moore. “We don’t owe a dime.”
Director of Operations for the Moore Company, Winston Ceasear says he has been watching the card count and feels it’s time to move forward. Almost 18,000 patients have been given medical marijuana cards in the state.
“We are getting there, but at a snail’s pace,” said Ceasear. “We have been making sure we have our ducks in a row and we have been doing that diligently.”
Ceasear said the business is in the process of working with dispensaries. “We are looking at dispensaries in major cities and also pain facilities and nursing homes.”
Heather Holmes is Assistant Director of Operations at MGO.
“From the time that we bring in the seeds they will be tracked,” said Ceasear. Holmes will be in charge of the very extensive program that tracks from seed to sale. She will also keep up with the different phases of plant life and growth until distribution.We have edibles once we get going working with a company out of jakcson processing companies. Separate entity. Completely separate from MGO Prentiss Gold
There is also a processing company in Prentiss, completely separate from MGO, called Prentiss Gold. Prentiss Gold will have products such as gummies and edibles. MGO has partnered with a bakery in conjunction with a chemical engineer to produce high-quality products at an affordable price. “We don’t want to outprice our Mississippi patients,” said Ceasear. There will also be a satellite processing company in Jackson.
Now that construction is complete, and growth is set to begin, new fencing has been placed around the entire perimeter of the MGO building. Also securing the property are two guard shacks. No one under 21 is allowed anywhere in the vicinity.