Mark Anthony Cash, the owner of the Green Guys Medical Cannabis Dispensary, was charged with three counts of sale of a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.
Lee County Sheriff Jim Johnson said a search warrant served at the business uncovered alleged THC edible gummies and marijuana that was not purchased through the state of Mississippi’s medical cannabis program.Johnson said the arrest was only possible with the help of agencies such as the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, North Mississippi Narcotics Unit, and Saltillo police.As law enforcement, this is what we feared was going to happen was this legal substance to be somehow dispensed out in our community in an illegal manner,” said Johnson.Johnson said charges may be upgraded by the Grand Jury after the crime lab reports are in.
LEE COUNTY, Miss.(WCBI) – The owner of a Lee County medical marijuana dispensary is being accused of running afoul of the law.