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Mississippi Public Broadcasting will air a special live @ISSUE: Mississippi’s Debate Over Legalizing Medical Marijuana Oct.14 at 7 p.m. on MPB Television, MPB Think Radio and MPB Online.
Voters in Mississippi will decide whether medical marijuana should be legalized in the state when they head to the polls in November. The @ISSUE special will give insight to Mississippi voters before Election Day, when they vote for or against legalizing medical marijuana in the state. Explore the issues on both sides of the debate at https://www.mpbonline.org/election/
There will be two medical marijuana proposals on the ballot. Voters can choose between citizen-sponsored initiative 65 and alternative initiative 65A approved by legislators or they can select neither option.
Joining the discussion in the hour-long special will be Jamie Grantham with the Medical Marijuana 2020 campaign initiative 65 and Jim Perry, member of the Mississippi State Board of Health. Hosting the special is Wilson Stribling, regular @ISSUE host and anchor for WLBT-TV.