New York’s legal marijuana retailers will be able to permanently put on farmers markets–if the governor signs the bill–and more.

Mississippi medical marijuana patients will be able to make fewer visits to the dispensary now. (Creative Commons)
Marijuana Policy
White House Opposes Proposal to End Marijuana Testing for Military Recruits. Citing worries about “military readiness and safety concerns,” the White House has announced its opposition to a proposal to end drug testing military recruits. The proposal is embedded within the must-pass defense spending bill.
In a “statement of administration policy” released Tuesday, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) outlined its “concerns” around a variety of issues with the defense bill, including the testing ban proposal. The bill is being prepared for floor action this week by the House Rules Committee.
The part of the bill dealing with the proposed ban is Section 532, which stipulates that military branches “may not require an individual to submit to a test for cannabis as a condition of enlistment of such individual as a member, or the commission of such individual as an officer, of an Armed Force.”
“The Administration opposes Section 532, which would prevent DoD from testing applicants for Δ9-THC and Δ8-THC contained in marijuana (cannabis),” it says. “The use of marijuana by Servicemembers is a military readiness and safety concern.”
The Defense Department last year told lawmakers that THC is the most common substance to appear on positive drug tests for active duty military members.
New York Lawmakers Approve Bill for Permanent Marijuana Farmers Markets. With a final vote in the Senate last week, the legislature has approved a bill to make marijuana farmers markets permanent, A10398. Sponsored by Sen. Michelle Hinchey (D) and Assemblymember Donna Lupardo (D), the bill is intended to support the industry by allowing retailers to host marijuana showcase events.
Coming after the state gave permission for a temporary presence at the markets, giving retailers increased sales opportunities during the slow rollout of the state’s legal market, the bill would allow regulators to issue permits to retailers lasting up to two weeks. The retailers could charge fees varying with event type and size.
The measure is now on the desk of Gov. Kathy Hochul (D).
Medical Marijuana
Mississippi Medical Marijuana Patients Will Catch a Break Next Month. Beginning July 1, medical marijuana patients will be able to procure a month’s worth of their medicine at a time. The state caps patients’ medical marijuana purchases at 21 grams per week, so that means patients will now be able to purchase up to 84 grams (three ounces) in one trip.
The change is thanks to the passage of Senate Bill 2857, authored by State Senator Kevin Blackwell (R).
Bill supporters successfully argued that the change was necessary to accommodate patients who live far from a dispensary. Under the state’s medical marijuana program, cities and counties can decide whether or not to allow dispensaries in their localities, and 80 cities and 17 counties have chosen not to allow them, leaving some patients stuck having to go considerable distances to find one.
“For instance, a patient with a debilitating condition might have to drive 45 minutes one way to go to a dispensary, and then have to do that every week of the month,” said Rep. Lee Yancey (R), a key member of the House Drug Policy Committee. “It was a hardship on them to be able to get their medicine. You can get a month’s supply of opioids, so why not get a month’s supply of medical cannabis if you already have a card from a practitioner confirming that you have debilitating condition?” Yancey said.